Mercedes SLK Roof Leaks
This has been a very long standing issue for many a poor SLK owner. In this blog I will explain why this happens and what we can do to alleviate it. I will keep it short and sweet.
If you see the image below it may look familiar to your current SLK but without a little section? Note the water holding inside the cavity.
The section we have removed is clipped to the main structure of the roof. Over time, due to thermal fluctuations and polyurethane degredation the clips break, allowing an easy entry for water into the roof cavity. When you turn the vehicle this will result in the common water on seatbelt symptom or continous drip from the front. Now this section is not easy to remove without breaking. It does require a some special tools and sleight of hand, not something I will go into on here.
It is imperative the clipped section is removed without damaging the plastic or leaking will still be present. Once we have successfully removed the moulding we can then remove any moisture, the gasket beneath it and any crud that may compromise the bonding of the moudling to the panel.
Once both areas are perfectly clean and prepared we then bond the panel onto the main top section. This gives you a permanent and lasting solution to the issue you are currently entrenched with.